我這幾天Google了有關USB DAC + 耳擴的資料
受限於預算且對國貨的好感 原先就鎖定在長物志跟電光火石的產品
我有好一陣子沒有接觸新的產品(我不是那種會一直換機的人 ) 所以這次才知道寨主另起爐灶
Anyway, 考慮的對象就是
電光火石 - Fubar II (配上我原來的Cute Beyond) 或是 Fubar III
長物志 - 青龍或是白虎 (白虎好像已經買不到了)
網上資料看了半天 有些說Fubar III比青龍好 至於青龍推喇叭的功能對有些人來說是雞肋
可是我心理還滿想要一對小喇叭好放在書桌前(書架型喇叭還是太大) 畢竟比一直戴著耳機還舒服
因為還想要買耳機 所以趁著上台北之行 順便去品嘉走一走
老實說 我覺得品嘉很喜歡推薦他們喜歡的產品 不喜歡的產品給的評價就不好 這可能是他們的風格
(先不論理由為何 因為有時候會推些已經停產的東西; 當然不見得停產的就是不好)
不過我總覺得應該先讓買者自己來聽 而不是直接就說哪個好哪個不好 (也許有些人喜歡別人替他決定吧)
回到正題 當我問起USB DAC
品嘉的回答是Fubar II or Fubar III (當然兩者的DAC是一樣的)
我問長物志的呢? 品嘉就一律不推 說了品質音質都不佳
說電光火石的產品已經外銷歐洲 品質比較穩
DAC QUALITY: The Travagans White will be more detailed via DAC than the Green, not sure why but that was the case. While the Green was not as detailed as the White, the Green still beats the Fubar III for detail and resolution and as an amp, hands down.
In the price range you are looking at I would still recommend the Travagans White if you don't have to get a portable DAC/amp. It very slightly beats the 3MOVE which in that price range is my second choice for USB DAC amp for HD600, above the Green and Fubar III.
還有Skylab (這篇是Fubar III & Cute的評論; 先前長物志的東西也有評論)
The Fubar III is a little harder for me to be enthusiastic about as a headphone amp. At $230, it’s certainly a good value, but I prefer the sound of Travagan’s White by a notable margin as a headphone amp, and think the $70 is easily worth it since you get a stepped attenuator, analog AND USB inputs, and a better headphone amp than is built into the Fubar III. Further, in comparison to the only $11 more expensive Travagan’s Green (which I do have on hand), the Green’s headphone amp offered slightly better performance, and the Green can drive speakers.